A film builds up strong bonds to it`s viewers
Most employer branding movies define their own employees solely on their workplace and career opportunities. These are obviously decisive factors within an employer brand. However, it is questionable if a commercial film with these topics alone will arouse interest among adolescants.
The personality of the represented employees is not really considered. But the latter offers the possibility of constructing an emotional bridge to tomorrow`s talent. An 18 year old does not solely think about his future career, but is in a state of identification in which soft factors play a more crucial role.
In our opinion not only standard branding factors are important. We also advise to portray colleagues from a human or emotional perspective. Because they are not entirely career fixated persons, but colleagues and role models, that take responsibility for younger employees` actions and are a part of everyday work. Who are these people and how do they interact with colleagues and the company? What relationships are there? - These are the questions that intrigue potential talent. continue